Table of Contents

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Volume 5 | 1988

Engineering Geology of Underground Movements: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Engineering Group of the Geological Society held at Nottingham University 13-17 September 1987

Edited by:

F. G. Bell, Department of Civil Engineering, Teesside Polytechnic, Middlebrough, TS1 3BA

M. G. Culshaw, Engineering Geology and Reservoir Rock Properties Research Group, British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5GG

J. C. Cripps, Department of Geology, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S1 3JD and

M. A. Lovell, Department of Geology, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD

Session 1: Introduction

Free Access1 January 1988
1 January 1988

Session 2: Ground Movements Due to Tunnelling

1 January 1988
1 January 1988
1 January 1988
1 January 1988
1 January 1988
1 January 1988

Session 3: Ground Movements Due to Deep Excavations

1 January 1988
1 January 1988
1 January 1988

Session 4: Ground Movements and Construction Operations

1 January 1988
1 January 1988
1 January 1988

Session 5: Ground Movements Due to Abandoned Mine Workings

1 January 1988
1 January 1988
1 January 1988
1 January 1988

Session 6: Ground Movements Due to Longwall Mining

1 January 1988
1 January 1988
1 January 1988
1 January 1988
1 January 1988

Session 7: Abandoned Limestone Mines in the West Midlands

1 January 1988
1 January 1988
1 January 1988
1 January 1988
1 January 1988
1 January 1988

Session 8: Investigation of Ground Movements

1 January 1988
1 January 1988
1 January 1988

Session 9: Ground Movements Due to the Abstraction or Injection of Fluids

1 January 1988
1 January 1988
1 January 1988

Session 10: Induced Seismicity

1 January 1988
1 January 1988
1 January 1988
1 January 1988
1 January 1988
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